
30 November 2007

Immigration is one of the main challenges faced by western societies. Spain faces the issue of creating a new society in which immigrants can be made to feel as though they belong. Jaume Flaquer's intention in this study, is to open up a new perspective on the subject, where the immigrant is not seen as a danger, or as an economic opportunity, but rather as an example of a 'free' or 'liberated' person, whose life can be understood as a search or journey of hope towards an uncertain future. 

31 July 2006

After  the novel and the film called “The Da Vinci Code”, the Gospel of Judas, that is a text quite pleasant, appears among best sellers books. The sales of  “The Da Vinci Code” are countless. Is this fact singe of  intrinsic values, of exciting curiosity, or of citizens vulnerability in front of medias? This booklet tries to answer all these questions.

31 August 2010

Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, other walls still form part of our everyday life. Other walls are perhaps more subtle, though they are still the cause of bloodshed, because they exist within us and take possession of our lives. These are the walls that separate “them” from “us. This booklet will explore the meaning and implications of situations like those, which are both symbolic and real, personal and public, spiritual and political.

17 October 2011

Believers or non-believers, we all should make an effort to oil the joints of our common existence, if we want to avoid sliding down a slope that could end in an unprecedented catastrophe. This booklet describes the privileged place that the encounter with God has in our relations with others, since contemplation is at the heart of interhuman relations and so is one of the chief characteristics of Christianity.

31 August 2012

The ethics of care has often been ignored by traditional ethics, which has relegated it to the private or domestic sphere or has assigned it exclusively to women.   In a world wounded by poverty and inequality it becomes necessary to recover a Christian vision of justice that spells out the meaning of caring for others and for the Earth and that impels us toward social transformation.  That is precisely what theologian Lucía Ramón does in this booklet.

31 January 2013

In this Booklet the author sets himself a daunting objective: to delve into the diverse spiritual experiences—or “mysticisms”—that are at the base of the different world religions, with a view to allowing the various experiences to complement and cross-fertilize one another. It is only by entering into the heart of the mystical experiences that the way can be opened up for dialogue among them.

1 May 2013

Traditionally the gospel message has been commonly seen as a utopian ideal that appeals to all. However, we need only reflect on the tragic fate of Jesus and that of the Christian martyrs of all ages to conclude unequivocally that the horizon of God’s kingdom is basically dystopian. “The evangelical utopias/dystopias are located beyond the moral sphere. They do not seek to reward the virtuous poor and punish the covetous rich.

1 October 2015

Recalling Saint Thomas’s "five ways" for approaching the reality of God, the author of this booklet proposes five other ways (science, philosophy, ethics, esthetics, and mysticism). While accepting that "in God we can only believe,” he does not concede that faith is irrational and unfounded. The booklet is dedicated “To all those who are searching, perhaps with great eagerness, and don’t seem to find anything. Also to those who doubt."

1 December 2015

Drawing on various biblical, theological, and ecclesiological arguments, four theologians agree on the need to apply the principle of mercy in the case of divorced persons who have remarried. Without slighting the value of the indissolubility of marriage, they grant greater centrality to acceptance and communion.
