
1 April 2003
31 August 2003
30 June 2004
30 April 2005

The authors deal with environmental issues from two points of view: the first is a relflexion on the importance of our personal behavior for the environment, and finishes with some ethical considerations. The second part gives a biblical and theological view of the environmental issue.

31 December 2008

The author of this booklet,  an expert in Ratzinger's theology, has in a few pages and through the use of clear, intelligible language, attempted to put the Christology of J. Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI, into context, from the perspective of his theological biography. This background is necessary if we want to avoid relying on the use of stereotypes, and if we want to fully appreciate what is being said in its correct context, at both a theological and ecclesiastical level.

31 March 2009

Death is a subject that raises so many questions. A first question would be: where "are" those loved ones that death has snatched away from us? A second question: where will we "be" when the same happens to us? These are questions with complex answers that leave us with a sense of uncertainty and anxiety. This booklet seeks to reflect on the quest or search that these questions have brought about within the context of Christian theology.

31 August 2009

The same fear that Jesus Christ can inspire in us today he inspired in those days, not only in the Jewish religious authorities, but also in his own disciples.  Among these latter, however, the attraction of Jesus turned out to be stronger than the fear.  Something of that nature is what is asked of us today: that same confident following of Jesus which dares to hear the oft-repeated words, “Do not be afraid”.

31 January 2010

The Apocalypse, therefore, is not a book that seeks to inspire fear in people by speaking of the dreadful events at the end of the world. What it seeks to do is to encourage Christians to bear prophetic witness to the Gospel, and it is perennial good news for all believers, for it declares that ultimately the Lord of history is God, not the empire that happens to be in power.

31 January 2006
