
1 June 2017

The economy is set in such a way that advantages are enjoyed by a minority of privileged whilst the inconvenients affect a mayority of desperate people. Thus, the privileged get dehumanised because they are only acquainted with ‘exchange values’; and what makes us really human (reason, equality and solidarity) are not ‘exchange values’ but values of another type. And so, the empoverished also get dehumanised because they live in a constant stroke to avoid drowning in the inmense sea of material needs. Taking as a reference Varoufakis’ book, “Talking to my daughter about the economy.

1 December 2016

Eschatology is concerned with the 'beyond'. Politics, on the other hand, deals with this world, in its public dimension. Politics and eschatology are intimately linked: the former, because without the ultimate goal of a common good present dispensations degenerate into mere bureaucracy ; the latter, since invoking a Heaven that demands no historical transformation 'on Earth' is mere escapism and phoney spirituality.

30 September 1999
10 September 2000
