Steeping on the Moon. Eschatology and Politics

Publication date: 
December 2016

Eschatology is concerned with the 'beyond'. Politics, on the other hand, deals with this world, in its public dimension. Politics and eschatology are intimately linked: the former, because without the ultimate goal of a common good present dispensations degenerate into mere bureaucracy ; the latter, since invoking a Heaven that demands no historical transformation 'on Earth' is mere escapism and phoney spirituality.


Is married with children, a theologian, and a musician. He holds a degree in Theology from the Centre Sèvres in Paris and a Diploma in Advanced Legal Studies (Jurisprudence). For Cristianisme i Justícia he has written 'What if God was less than perfect ? Towards a kinder spirituality' (Booklet 99, October 2000), 'De la liberación a la inclusión' (Cuaderno 127, September 2004), ‘Taking stock of reality, taking responsability for reality, and taking charge of reality’ (Booklet 143, January 2011) and ‘Evangelical distopias’ (Booklet 148, May 2013).

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