The Fight for Women’s Rights in the Church: Historical Urgency or Race to the Bottom?

Publication date: 
September 2024

In 2017, shortly after the #MeToo Movement began denouncing violence against women in the secular world, the feminist movement became a prophetic voice also within the Church. Several ecclesiastical initiatives have been responding to the wound and the suffering produced by structural discrimination against women. By March 2020 there were already public demonstrations in the streets in support of the dignity and equality of women in the Church. Without pastoral intelligence, it is impossible to grasp the regenerative potential of women in the Church.


Journalist, head of communication at the Fundació Vedruna Catalunya Educació. Specialised in Conflict and Peace Communication (UAB), Communication and Religion in the Digital Age (URL) and Reputation, Brand, Communication and ESG Management (Esade). She collaborates with Catalunya Religió and is a member of Justícia i Pau de Barcelona, and Grup Sant Jordi for the promotion and defence of Human Rights.


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