Ukraine: A Conflict That Should Not Be Forgotten

Publication date: 
November 2024

“In an international context, growing ever more dramatic, the war in Ukraine runs the risk of becoming a ‘forgotten’ war. Nevertheless, it is our duty not to allow it to fall into silence, not simply to maintain alive horror in dealing with such a tragic event, but rather, above all, to involve all of those responsible and the international community in the search for peaceful solutions.”

Pope Francis, January 3, 2024


Alberto Ares is a jesuit, phD in International Migrations and Development Cooperation. He has accompanied several migrant communities throughout the world. He has directed the “Red Incola” foundation in Valladolid and “Pueblos Unidos” in Madrid. He specialized in Social Ethics, Economics and Theology. He is currently the Director at the Instituto Universitario de Estudios sobre Migraciones (Institute of Migration Studies) at Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (Pontifical University of Comillas). He is the author of: La rueca migratoria: tejiendo historias y experiencias de integración (2017)

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