Remaking Life. Divorce, Acceptance, and Communion

Publication date: 
December 2015

Drawing on various biblical, theological, and ecclesiological arguments, four theologians agree on the need to apply the principle of mercy in the case of divorced persons who have remarried. Without slighting the value of the indissolubility of marriage, they grant greater centrality to acceptance and communion.


Andrés Torres Queiruga He has a doctorate in Theology and Philosophy. He’s a professor of Philosophy of religion in Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. He is a member of the Iglesia Viva and Concilium editorial board.

Jesuit. Member of the Área Teológica de Cristianisme i Justícia. His works include La humanidad nueva. Ensayo de cristología (1974); Acceso a Jesús (1979) and Proyecto de hermano, Visión creyente del hombre (1989). His other books are El rostro humano de Dios (2008), Otro mundo es posible... desde Jesús (2009) and Herejías del catolicismo actual (2013). Cristianisme i Justícia republished his work Vicarios de Cristo: los pobres (Vicars of Christ: the Poor) in 2018. He is the author of numerous booklets published in this collection. 


Professor emeritus at the Faculty of Theology in Vitoria-Gasteiz and assistant to the pastoral team of the San Fausto Pastoral Unit in Basauri (Bizkaia). Member of the theological area of Cristianisme i Justícia.

Xavier Alegre, s.j. is a Professor of the New Testament in the Faculty of Theology ofCatalunya and in the UCA of San Salvador. 

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