“Born In The Likeness Of Men” (Ph 2:7)

Publication date: 
October 2022

Christianity, which is the following of Christ, consists of an entire life which is converted into a true sacrifice. This is not reduced to acts which are properly “religious”, like prayer or the sacraments, but rather the entire existence of the Christian should be converted into a form of living for God. Secularity, understood as the human and mundane condition of our life, is the substance of living as a Christian. In order to become conscious of it, two Ignatian contemplations (that of the hidden life of Jesus and that of the Contemplation to Obtain Love) can help us. By examining the years of the ordinary life of Jesus, we contemplate a simply human way of living with openness to the Father in the midst of other people. In the Contemplation to Obtain Love, we possess a mystagogy to live the opaqueness of the human and mundane with all of the mystical richness of the humanity of Christ. What this Pamphlet proposes is to live these two meditations unified as one.


Jesuit theologian specializing in Ignatian spirituality. Among his most noteworthy publications are El Peregrino (2016), a new edition of the Autobiography of Saint Ignatius with a commentary; Dios, la amistad y los pobres (2007); and a commentary or “re-reading” of the Ignatian Exercises in six EIDES Booklets. In this GUIDES collection has published On not anticipating the spirit (Guides n. 5, March 2016) and The Art of Friendship in Saint Ignatius of Loyola (Guides n. 10, November 2018).

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