The Silence and the Outcry. Buddhism and the Prophets of Israel

Publication date: 
February 2019

This booklet compares the texts contained the book The Teaching of Buddha with the social justice texts of the prophets (culminating in Jesus as one who is “more than prophet”). Despite the differences between the two sets of texts, the author defends the need to understand that they are complementary languages and that neither of them can be maintained or can reach fulfillment without the other. Every outcry of protest that does not flow forth from the interior richness of an authentic “silence” will be “political” but not prophetic. Every silence that does not result in an anguished outcry and a prophetic denunciation will be an empty silence.


Jesuit. Member of the Área Teológica de Cristianisme i Justícia. His works include La humanidad nueva. Ensayo de cristología (1974); Acceso a Jesús (1979) and Proyecto de hermano, Visión creyente del hombre (1989). His other books are El rostro humano de Dios (2008), Otro mundo es posible... desde Jesús (2009) and Herejías del catolicismo actual (2013). Cristianisme i Justícia republished his work Vicarios de Cristo: los pobres (Vicars of Christ: the Poor) in 2018. He is the author of numerous booklets published in this collection. 


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