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God Is Reconciling the World Through Victims

Virtual Collection
Publication date: 
January 2023

The word “reconciliation” is a word with a diverse set of meanings that can encompass many different perspectives: religious, ethical, political and juridical. The author concentrates in this text on the religious perspective and on its Christian version., placing himself clearly in the point of view of victims. From that come all of the questions that recur in these pages: Is there a God who reconciles and who reconciles us with so many victims in this world? If that is answered in the affirmative, what does that reconciliation look like? In what does it consist? How does it concern us Christians?


Presbyter of the diocese of Bilbao. He lives and shares his faith in the fraternal Kingdom of God in the Christian community of Artxandape (Bilbao). He is a member of the theological department of the Cristianisme i Justícia study centre. He has taught theology at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Deusto and at the Monseñor Romero Centre of the Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas (UCA) in San Salvador. He was a member of the editorial board of the magazine Iglesia Viva. 


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