Vulnerable Bodies. Caring as a Political Horizon

Publication date: 
September 2020

This publication, according to the author, seeks to make a contribution to the elaboration of a new paradigm of vulnerability, a paradigm that takes issue with the narratives that have shaped the Western worldview of self-sufficiency and forgetfulness of the body. After an initial deconstructive moment, the booklet proposes the creation of a “somatopolitical” language, which uses the universal semantics of vulnerability to place at the very center of social praxis the ethical demand for responsibility and the political vindication of caring.


Is married with children, a theologian, and a musician. He holds a degree in Theology from the Centre Sèvres in Paris and a Diploma in Advanced Legal Studies (Jurisprudence). For Cristianisme i Justícia he has written 'What if God was less than perfect ? Towards a kinder spirituality' (Booklet 99, October 2000), 'De la liberación a la inclusión' (Cuaderno 127, September 2004), ‘Taking stock of reality, taking responsability for reality, and taking charge of reality’ (Booklet 143, January 2011) and ‘Evangelical distopias’ (Booklet 148, May 2013).

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