On Technology

Publication date: 
February 2023

Why do we assume that jumping over the limits imposed by nature and social customs is the right thing to do? What consequences are there for our lives by uncritically assuming the technological mentality? Is there some way to escape from this labyrinth? These are some of the questions that the author poses in this pamphlet, written from a philosophical point of view and attempting to go to the roots of a question that is not only technical or scientific, but also affects that which is most central to the human condition.


Lecturer at the Càtedra d'Ètica i Pensament Cristià at IQS (URL). He holds a PhD in Humanities from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, with a thesis awarded with the extraordinary doctorate prize and the essay prize of the Fundació Joan Maragall. His latest non-academic publications are the book La Pereza (2019), Filosofía para una vida peor (second edition 2021), La condición del hombre corriente. Ensayo sobre el Humanismo de George Orwell  (2022).

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