The revolution of every day. Christianity, Capitalism and Post-modernity

Publication date: 
March 2015

So thoroughly has capitalism penetrated into our daily existence (work, social relations, entertainment, etc.) that an alternative system can be developed only by drawing on the same everyday elements. The author approaches this challenge by asking what contribution Christian faith can make as a way of life, and how this faith can be enriched in turn by the profound transformations taking place all around us. A serene dialogue characterized by respect and openness may allow us to come upon an unexpected revolution that will help humankind to move beyond the present state of crisis.


Jesuit, graduate in medicine and doctor in theology. Professor of Fundamental Morality at the Faculty of Theology of Catalonia. Collaborating lecturer at ESADE and the Institut Borja de Bioètica. With Cristianisme i Justícia he has published the booklets....   Living Better with Less  (Booklet nº 178)Toward an Integral Ecology (Booklet nº 165), The revolution of every day (Booklet nº 155),  A difficult relationship. Christianity and Society from an ethical perspective. (Booklet nº 141),  Identities for the 21st century. (Booklet nº 127),  The Kioto Horizon (Booklet nº 122), Global world, global ethics (Booklet nº 111),  In search of the kingdom morals for the new millenium  (Booklet nº 98). He is a member of the social area of Cristianisme i Justícia.

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