Palestine: the Impossible Vindication

Publication date: 
June 2021

These days we are witnessing a new outbreak of the extremely unequal war between Gaza and Israel, where military victory is assured in advance. This conflict will not cause refugees because, unlike other people, Gaza's civilian population has nowhere to go. Israel's total control of Gaza’s borders, combined with Egypt's determination not to become another Lebanon by receiving Palestinians, makes this region a prison for its inhabitants.


Jesuit, is coordinator of the Theological Area of Cristianisme i Justícia and professor in Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya. He has a degree in Philosophy from the Universitat de Barcelona, a degree in Theology from the Centre Sèvres of Paris, and a PhD in Islamic Studies from the École Pratique des Hautes Études of Sorbonne with a thesis on the Sufi master Ibn Arabî. His previous publications with Cristianisme i Justícia are Fundamentalism (2005) and Itinerant lives: for an Interreligious Theology of Migrations (2007). and the last Islam.The crescent moon... waxing (2016). He has also published several Papers, the latest (June 2021) about the situation in Palestine. 

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