Europe at the crossroads

Publication date: 
September 2014

More than half a century after its birth and despite its undoubted success, the European project appears to have run aground. The particular interests of the various countries once again are taking priority over the general interests of the community, and many citizens are showing themselves indifferent, if not hostile, to the European project. The collapse began earlier on, but it culminated with the extreme economic crisis we are now suffering. Is this the end of the road? Is it worth the trouble to continue in this Union, given the way they’ve left it?


Works as a specialist in international affairs. He also collaborates withESADE, where he has been a professor of international business policy. He has previouslypublished Trabajo y vida: un camino en busca de sentido (Cristianisme i Justícia, Cuadernoextra, 2012). He is a member of the social project and of the professionals’ group ofCristianisme i Justícia.

Is a professor of history.  He is a member of the social project of Cristianisme i Justícia.

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