Mystagogies of the Spiritual Exercises 500 years afterwards

Registration is now open for on-line attendance from June 13th to the 17th

Five hundred years after St. Ignatius soujorn in Manresa (Spain), the Society of Jesus is convoking an International Symposium in the same place where the Pilgrim had his foundational experience. We want to reflect on the ways of giving and deepening the mystagogy of the Spiritual Exercises in the contemporary world which continues to hunger and thirst for God. We believe that it is just as important to reflect on the theological and anthropological presuppositions which are behind these forms as it is to share the concrete methods with which they are put into practice.

The Online mode of the International Symposium will allow participants to attend the conferences that will take place on each of the four mornings of the Symposium (Spanish time); each morning will consist of a presentation and three communications according to the day’s topic.  

The first day will deal with the text of the Exercises today. This will involve a profound study of the fundamental theological and anthropological presumptions of the original text of the Exercises in order to affirm the validity or the problematic nature of those suppositions.

The second day will address the Exercises in relation to the social margins. Such a focus will analyze the Exercises as a means to helping people live in situations of precariousness, marginalization, and personal or social de-structuring.

The third day will treat of the Exercises in relation to other cosmologies and spiritualities. This day seeks to develop an awareness of how the cultural and cosmological background and vision of the diverse places on the planet requires an adaptation in the method of giving the Exercises.

The fourth and last day will approach the Exercises in new languages. This day is meant to share and to deepen the multiple ways that contemporary culture requires an ever-more sophisticated inculturation of the Ignatian text and spiritual experience.

  • Language: Symposium languages will be Spanish and English with simultaneous translation of both languages. 
  • Timetable and Schedule: Monday 13, Tuesday 14,Thursday 16 and Friday 17 June 2022. 9:30 am a 1:30 pm Manresa (Spain).
  • Cost: 100 euros 

Organizers: The Symposium has been convoked and organized by Centro Internacional de Espiritualidad Ignaciana -CIEI (Manresa), Cristianisme i Justícia - Escola Ignasiana d’Espiritualitat, EIDES (Catalunya) and Jesuits - Spain.
More information and registration: