Visiting theologian program in Barcelona

Applications can be submitted until April 30th.

Until April 30th, theologians interested in developing a research project in Barcelona during the first half of next year can submit their application through this link. This initiative aims to continue promoting theological reflection in Barcelona and to strengthen the presence of theology in the Jesuit university centers in Catalonia. The IQS-University Ramon Llull is the institution responsible for organizing this invitation for international researchers, in collaboration with Cristianisme i Justícia, ESADE, UNIJES, and the Kircher Network.

"We are looking for a person interested in researching within the lines that have shaped the theological reflection developed by the Society of Jesus in Catalonia in recent decades," explains Oriol Quintana, professor at the Chair of Ethics and Christian Thought at IQS and one of the academic coordinators of this program. "Our main motivation is to have the presence of experts in theology and to foster dialogue between this discipline and the work of other intellectuals from various fields." Therefore, in addition to developing their personal research project, the invited theologian will collaborate with the IQS Chair of Ethics and Thought, ESADE, and Cristianisme i Justícia, participating in conferences or seminars at these institutions.

Promoting dialogue between theology and contemporary global challenges

The proposed research lines address the current challenges of our society. First, the field of science, technology, and sustainability, exploring the possible interactions between theology, religious studies, and these disciplines. Second, faith and justice, which includes areas such as economics, sociology, or political science, among others. And finally, secularism and spirituality, covering topics such as the study of contemporary forms of spirituality in secularized societies, interreligious dialogue, or the theology of religions. Other research areas related to contemporary challenges, such as bioethics, feminist theology, or ecclesiology, may also be considered.

The selected candidate will be able to carry out a stay of between 3 and 6 months, during which the organization will provide accommodation in Barcelona. They will have a workspace at IQS and access to a network of contacts with thinkers in the fields of economics, technology, social sciences, and humanities, enriching their personal project. They will also have access to the University Ramon Llull library’s resources, which include extensive theology collections, as well as the Sant Pacià Library, the Borja Library, and the UNIJES library system. The UNIJES network includes the theology faculties’ libraries at the University of Deusto (Bilbao), the Pontifical University of Comillas (Madrid), and Loyola University (Sevilla).

All the information and the link to submit applications can be found here.