Cristianisme i Justícia offers for the first time an online course in english

The teacher is Susanne Carlsson, from Sweden

Cristianisme i Justícia will offer this March a course in english dedicated to the process of transformation represented by the Spiritual Exercises. Cristianisme i Justícia has published its CJ Booklets and Papers in English for 25 years, but now offers for the first time an online course in this language, which allows it to reach many interested people who follow the center's publications, but until now, have not been able to participate in the training proposals.

This is the course Living to the Greater Glory of God – Spiritual Transformation in the Spiritual Exercises. The teacher is Susanne Carlsson and the course will be in online modality, in four sessions.

This course will explore how the process of the Spiritual Exercises transforms the persons relationship with God but also their approach to life, priorities, choices and attitudes forming a way of living. We will explore the dynamic of action and contemplation fostered in the process of the Exercises through looking at the process of the Exercises, the notion of imitating Jesus and working with Him for the greater glory of God. This course is aimed to those who would like to know the Exercises in more depth

Revd Susanne Carlsson, from Sweden, ordained in the Lutheran Church of Sweden in 1998, has a long experience of spiritual direction and training courses in the Ignatian tradition. She lives in the UK and is currently the Spiritual Adviser for Spirituality in Rochester and Canterbury Diocese. She is responsible for training in Kompass, an Ecumenical Network for Ignatian Spirituality, in Sweden Scandinavia. Susanne has been focused on Ignatian spirituality for the last 20 years. She holds a Doctorate in Practical Theology studying ‘What is distinctive about Ignatian religious life and how can it be lived in the Anglican Church.

More information here.