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Leo Tolstoy, Political Prophet and Evangelical Anarchist

Publication date: 
February 2014

At a political and cultural moment like ours, with its all-pervasive mediocrity, the figure of Tolstoy, at once revolutionary and spiritual, may serve as a stimulus for a generation of citizens who are perplexed, indignant, and rebellious. The present booklet captures the genius of this great moral teacher, the likes of whom are only too rare in our present day.


Jesuit. He was Professor Emeritus of Comparative Literature at the Comillas Pontifical University (Madrid). His two most recent works are “El hombre imaginario: una antropología literaria” [The Imaginary Man: a Literary Anthropology] (1995) and “El espíritu de la letra. Acercamiento creyente a la Literatura” [The Spirit of the Letter, Approaching Literature with Belief] (2002). He also wrote the booklets of Cristianisme i Justícia "Longing for a Greater Justice" (booklet 120, february 2005) and "Leo Tolstoy, Political Prophet and Evangelical Anarchist" (booklet 151, February 2014). He was a member of the Cristianisme i Justícia team until his death at the end of 2013. Booklet 151 was published posthumously as a homage to our great friend and collaborator.

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