Irak,a preventive war?

Booklet number 85
Publication date: 
January 2003


Jesuit. Member of the Área Teológica de Cristianisme i Justícia. His works include La humanidad nueva. Ensayo de cristología (1974); Acceso a Jesús (1979) and Proyecto de hermano, Visión creyente del hombre (1989). His other books are El rostro humano de Dios (2008), Otro mundo es posible... desde Jesús (2009) and Herejías del catolicismo actual (2013). Cristianisme i Justícia republished his work Vicarios de Cristo: los pobres (Vicars of Christ: the Poor) in 2018. He is the author of numerous booklets published in this collection. 


Presbyter of the diocese of Bilbao. He lives and shares his faith in the fraternal Kingdom of God in the Christian community of Artxandape (Bilbao). He is a member of the theological department of the Cristianisme i Justícia study centre. He has taught theology at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Deusto and at the Monseñor Romero Centre of the Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas (UCA) in San Salvador. He was a member of the editorial board of the magazine Iglesia Viva. 


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