Horizons of life (Living the Ignatian Way).

Publication date: 
March 2014

This booklet aims to present in a simple, practical way some of the most basic features of the way of life that Ignatian spirituality proposes. In this essay the author, while remaining faithful to the basic intuitions of Saint Ignatius Loyola, exercises some freedom with regard to his formulations. As much as possible, he tries to stay close to the daily life of those of us who are caught up in this busy world but who still seek with desire and humility “to love and serve in all we do.”


Jesuit who specializes in Ignatian spirituality, forms part of theteam of Cristianisme i Justícia. He has published the following works in Spanish in theEIDES collection: Encontrar a Dios en la vida (no. 9); Cristianos en la intemperie (no. 47);Acompañar la tentación (no. 50); and Horizontes de vida (Vivir a la ignaciana) (no. 54). Thislast work we now present in the English translation, Horizons of Life (Living the IgnatianWay).

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