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The Fullness of Time

Publication date: 
November 2020

We find the phrase with which this publication is titled in St. Paul when he says, “But when in the fullness of time God sent His Son” (Gal 4:4), or “He has allowed us to know the mystery of his will, according to his goodness, which He had proposed in Himself, to bring together all things in Christ in the dispensation of the fullness of time.” (Eph 1:9-10). Beginning with this expression, the author of this article directly formulates this question: could Paul have written this today? Or even more clearly: can we understand it? Although it does not appear so, the answer affects the core of our life.


PhD in Philosophy and Educational Sciences and Bachelor in Theology, Professor at ESADE. Founder and director of the Instituto Persona, Empresa y Sociedad (IPES). Member of advisory boards of several third sector organisations. He has published more than thirty books and several articles in his academic speciality. Some of his most important titles include Cercar Déu enmig de la ciutat (1990) and La discreció de l'amor (1992). He has also published with Cristianisme i Justícia ¿De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de los jóvenes? (1991, CJ 41) and Discernimiento comunitario apostólico. Fundamental texts of the Society of Jesus (2019, EIDES 89-90).

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