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The Contemplative Phase of the Ignatian Exercises

Publication date: 
March 2021

There have been many Christian teachers or mystics who have explained the effects of contemplative prayer, but not how to do it. Fr. Jalics has filled this void with a suggestion that was born through a personal experience of detention and isolation that took place under the Argentine dictatorship. In this Notebook, which begins with a magnificent prologue by Xavier Melloni, he explains how his contemplative “journey” of prayer is tied into the practice of the Ignatian Exercises.


Jesuïta d’origen hongarès, autor de nombrosos llibres espirituals, entre els quals Ejercicios de contemplación (1994), El camino de la contemplación (2006) i Jesús maestro de meditación (2015). La seva manera de donar exercicis, en part fruit de l’experiència espiritual que va viure durant la seva detenció sota la dictadura argentina, ha estat seguida per moltes persones i grups, això fa que hagi sigut un referent dins l’àmbit de l’espiritualitat i l’acompanyament. Va morir el 13 de febrer del 2021.

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