Modernitat i postmodernitat

28 February 2010

Today, it is both a practical and tacit form of nihilism that exists,which is neither formulated nor expressed, yet which acts as a latentframework for a few specific lifestyles which certain thinkers havedescribed as the "culture of oblivion", the "era of emptiness","liquid modernity"... With this in mind, it only seems to put forwardthe claim for a form of justice that involves the recovery of memoryand a new sense of happiness."

1 March 2015

So thoroughly has capitalism penetrated into our daily existence (work, social relations, entertainment, etc.) that an alternative system can be developed only by drawing on the same everyday elements. The author approaches this challenge by asking what contribution Christian faith can make as a way of life, and how this faith can be enriched in turn by the profound transformations taking place all around us. A serene dialogue characterized by respect and openness may allow us to come upon an unexpected revolution that will help humankind to move beyond the present state of crisis.
