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Apostolic Discernment in Common

Publication date: 
April 2020

In fidelity to the purpose of our GUIDES collection, we offer in these pages some basic materials for understanding and practicing apostolic discernment in common. The materials include documents of the General Congregations, along with letters and other relevant texts of the Superiors General of the Society of Jesus. This compendium of texts is also an invitation to engage in a practice that will help us to respond in a realistic and relevant way to the challenges of the historical moment in which we live.


Jesuit theologian specializing in Ignatian spirituality. Among his most noteworthy publications are El Peregrino (2016), a new edition of the Autobiography of Saint Ignatius with a commentary; Dios, la amistad y los pobres (2007); and a commentary or “re-reading” of the Ignatian Exercises in six EIDES Booklets. In this GUIDES collection has published On not anticipating the spirit (Guides n. 5, March 2016) and The Art of Friendship in Saint Ignatius of Loyola (Guides n. 10, November 2018).

PhD in Philosophy and Educational Sciences and Bachelor in Theology, Professor at ESADE. Founder and director of the Instituto Persona, Empresa y Sociedad (IPES). Member of advisory boards of several third sector organisations. He has published more than thirty books and several articles in his academic speciality. Some of his most important titles include Cercar Déu enmig de la ciutat (1990) and La discreció de l'amor (1992). He has also published with Cristianisme i Justícia ¿De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de los jóvenes? (1991, CJ 41) and Discernimiento comunitario apostólico. Fundamental texts of the Society of Jesus (2019, EIDES 89-90).

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