Toward an Integral Ecology

Publication date: 
October 2017

“We are faced not with two separate crises, one environmental and the other social, but rather with one complex crisis which is both social and environmental.” Beginning with this central thesis of Laudato Si´, this booklet presents for us the key ideas and values of the encyclical. It also recommends ways in which we can overcome the justice/environment dilemma since fighting against poverty and caring for the planet are both part of the same struggle. The path toward an integral ecological ethics thus becomes the only possible way out of the dead-end into which we have been led by the present system of production and consumption.


Jesuit, graduate in medicine and doctor in theology. Professor of Fundamental Morality at the Faculty of Theology of Catalonia. Collaborating lecturer at ESADE and the Institut Borja de Bioètica. With Cristianisme i Justícia he has published the booklets....   Living Better with Less  (Booklet nº 178)Toward an Integral Ecology (Booklet nº 165), The revolution of every day (Booklet nº 155),  A difficult relationship. Christianity and Society from an ethical perspective. (Booklet nº 141),  Identities for the 21st century. (Booklet nº 127),  The Kioto Horizon (Booklet nº 122), Global world, global ethics (Booklet nº 111),  In search of the kingdom morals for the new millenium  (Booklet nº 98). He is a member of the social area of Cristianisme i Justícia.

Jesuit. PhD in Physics and lecturer at the Institut Químic de Sarrià (IQS). He collaborates in university pastoral work at Casal Loyola in Barcelona. He is a member of Entxartxad, a Chad solidarity group. He researches in the field of the relationship between ecology and religion, faith and science.

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