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Trapped in limbo. Women, migration and sexual violence

Publication date: 
December 2014

As examples of vulnerable situations for women go, there is surely none more precarious than that of the journey of migrant women attempting to cross borders. The author of this booklet examines in depth the sexual violence that these women suffer on their migratory path. Nevertheless, the author makes it clear that this phenomenon is part of a wider problem relating to gender roles and inequalities, and the resulting power dynamics.


University lecturer, researcher and audiovisual critic. PhD in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising. Member of the Social Area.of the Cristianisme i Justícia. She specialises in educommunication, peace journalism and feminist studies and is a member of several human rights organisations and associations linked to feminism, the media and the culture of peace. Contributor to various media. In permanent (de)construction. Mother.

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