
José Manuel


Graduate in Religious Sciences from CSET Pamplona (associated with the University of Salamanca), in Psychopedagogy (University of Navarra) and in Systematic Theology from the Faculty of Theology of Catalonia. He is an educator by vocation and conviction. He works as a teacher in a secondary school. He collaborates with various social organisations. He has written several books, the most recent of which are Sed misericordiosos como vuestro Padre es perfecto. Hacia una teología de la misericordia, Madrid: PPC 2022, Navidad en cristiano, Madrid: PPC 2021, Ella, Barcelona: Ed. Autografía 2021, Jesús y los esenios. Una excusa para pensar desde Jesús (2019).  He is responsible for the theological area of Cristianisme i Justícia.


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