culture & justice"
García Jiménez
José Ignacio
García Jiménez
Jesuit. Director of the Centro de Estudios Cristianismo y Justicia-Fundación Lluís Espinal. He is a theologian and economist. He studied Economics and Business Administration (ICADE) in Madrid. He worked in Malawi with JRS (JRS) with the refugee population of Mozambique. His career has been closely linked to the social action and commitment to justice of the Society of Jesus. For 10 years he was a professor at the University School of Agricultural Engineering of Valladolid (INEA). In recent years he has lived in Brussels, where he has worked at the head of two international institutions of the Society of Jesus: the Jesuit European Social Center (JESC) (2009-2016), and the Jesuit Refugee Service in Europe (2017-2021).