Islam: The crescent moon... waxing

Publication date: 
March 2016

Islam, the religion of the crescent moon, is expanding numerically and is present everywhere in the mass media. Presently it is in a state of turmoil, engaged in a profound internal debate about its relation to tradition. A great number of political, social, and economic components mix together in a true ideological civil war. This booklet offers a short but complete map which will help the reader to understand where Islam is today and where it is headed.


Jesuit, is coordinator of the Theological Area of Cristianisme i Justícia and professor in Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya. He has a degree in Philosophy from the Universitat de Barcelona, a degree in Theology from the Centre Sèvres of Paris, and a PhD in Islamic Studies from the École Pratique des Hautes Études of Sorbonne with a thesis on the Sufi master Ibn Arabî. His previous publications with Cristianisme i Justícia are Fundamentalism (2005) and Itinerant lives: for an Interreligious Theology of Migrations (2007). and the last Islam.The crescent moon... waxing (2016). He has also published several Papers, the latest (June 2021) about the situation in Palestine. 

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