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Espiritualitat ignasiana

1 February 2019

The present booklet does not pretend to be an erudite study of Ignatius of Loyola or his spirituality. Its aim is simply to help individuals or groups to reflect and pray by sharing in the spiritual experience of Ignatius. Our hope is that his exceptional interior pilgrimage will also inspire us in our own efforts to follow Jesus.

1 November 2018

In this booklet the author explains the various ways in which Ignatius Loyola experienced friendship and promoted it among his companions. He agreed with Aristotle that friendship was “the thing most necessary for life,” but he also realized that friendship was a spiritual gift that needed to be cultivated and nourished with great care.

1 April 2018

The author, who for many years has been director of the Cave of Manresa, invites us on a geographical and spiritual journey through the life of Saint Ignatius. This pilgrimage, which is interior as well as exterior, can help us, as the saint takes our hand, to discover how God speaks to us through the places and persons of our lives.

1 November 2016

The Holy Spirit might seem at first sight absent from the Exercises, but such is not in fact the case. The author of our booklet re-reads the experience of the Exercises, uncovering the Spirit's silent presence there. What might initially have seemed a cerebral, tough, ascetic text is shown to be a source of mystical prayer of profoundly contemporary relevance.

1 November 2014

This plan for the Ignatian Exercises is based on the proposal made by Saint Ignatius in Annotation 19, where he speaks of persons whose required activities make it impossible for them to withdraw in solitude for an extended time. The exercises in ordinary life are thus proposed as an adaptation that can help many persons have a profound experience of God at the very heart of their daily activities.

1 March 2014

This booklet aims to present in a simple, practical way some of the most basic features of the way of life that Ignatian spirituality proposes. In this essay the author, while remaining faithful to the basic intuitions of Saint Ignatius Loyola, exercises some freedom with regard to his formulations. As much as possible, he tries to stay close to the daily life of those of us who are caught up in this busy world but who still seek with desire and humility “to love and serve in all we do.”

1 October 2015

Often we come to the Exercises thinking about ourselves, perhaps even a bit anguished at what we believe might turn into a new inspection of our interior lives. If this is the case with you, then you will certainly be relieved to know that the focus of the points for prayer that you will find here is not on ourselves but on Jesus, and more concretely it is on the Jesus presented to us in theGospel of Luke.

1 March 2016

Interest in spiritual accompaniment, in all its varied forms, is a growing phenomenon. This booklet presents various perspectives on accompaniment in Christian life and the following of Christ, but certainly much of the information contained in it will be useful for other practices of accompaniment. The most important thing is offering profoundly human support.

1 January 2015

The Tenth European Congress of Jesuit Alumni was coming to an end. On the afternoon of August 1, 1973, the closing session was solemnly convened. Then Fr. Arrupe, with his usual energy and enthusiasm and perhaps even more, gave the following conference. Limitations of time did not permit him to read the whole text, but the Acts of the Congress later published it as written. A conference that would change the Society of Jesus.
