
17 December 2018

When we speak about government finance and taxes, we are confronted with a lot of questions: do we pay too many taxes? are they really put to good use? could we save on them? does it make sense for me to pay taxes when there is so much government corruption? For a long time the question of tax policy has been left out of political and social debate. Only in recent years, with the impact of economic crisis and globalization, are we again focusing on this question that is crucial for maintaining our welfare states.

1 October 2018

In the face of the hells created by violence, oppression, and repression, the victims of injustice seem to have no other alternative than fight (action-reaction) or flight (silent submission). This booklet explores the “third way” of Jesus, which goes far beyond those two options. This “third way” is the path of active non-violence, a path that requires great lucidity, creativity, faith, and constancy.

1 December 2017

Change and social transformation, addressed form a polyhedral point of view, are the central issues of this booklet. 

In a time where it seems the course of history is accelerating, we reflect on the present time drawing from some of the most relevant political events in the last years; we make an approach to the notions of change and transformation and, finally, we take a closer look to some of the areas from which we can work for social change and transformation, attempting to start from a hopeful gaze over reality although this is not always easy. 

1 October 2017

“We are faced not with two separate crises, one environmental and the other social, but rather with one complex crisis which is both social and environmental.” Beginning with this central thesis of Laudato Si´, this booklet presents for us the key ideas and values of the encyclical. It also recommends ways in which we can overcome the justice/environment dilemma since fighting against poverty and caring for the planet are both part of the same struggle.

1 May 2017

The present environmental crisis has its origins in how we relate to the natural world and to our fellow human beings. Certain values are given priority over others, thereby shaping attitudes widely shared across the globe. The pope's encyclical Laudato Sí’ proposes something different, fresh ways of looking at things, a new culture, based on values that although, sadly, not always acted on, belong equally to humanism and to the Christian tradition, and that can be shared by many other ethical and religious traditions too.

1 September 2016

In the thirty-fifth year of its existence, Cristianisme i Justícia now issues its 200th booklet. We have always sought to kindle hope and feed a widely-shared desire for a world that is more just and more fraternal. In keeping with that desire and alert to the world around us, the present publication aims to provide a clear account of the teamwork in which our Centre is engaged, and a reliable guide to the challenges on which Cristianisme i Justícia reflects now and in the future. We also invite to join us all those engaged in dialogue between faith and the struggle for a juster world.

1 January 2015

The Tenth European Congress of Jesuit Alumni was coming to an end. On the afternoon of August 1, 1973, the closing session was solemnly convened. Then Fr. Arrupe, with his usual energy and enthusiasm and perhaps even more, gave the following conference. Limitations of time did not permit him to read the whole text, but the Acts of the Congress later published it as written. A conference that would change the Society of Jesus.

1 December 2015

In a world that is hostile towards life and humanity, that hardens hearts and pulls us apart, we take as our starting-point, and as the lens through which to view the world and its people, a revolution favouring affection and tender-heartedness. As 2015 draws to a close, we want to spotlight five areas that we believe to be in particular need of acceptance or transformation.
